Amitiés, réunions et engagement: c’est ce qu’ représente pour Anton

J’ai décidé de rejoindre le projet «» parce qu’il fait émerger de nouveaux citoyens, qui grandissent en participant à l’institution non pas selon une organisation hiérarchique, mais en tant que communauté, une communauté au sein de laquelle le concept de représentation est lié à la participation et à l’engagement et ne se confond pas avec la démocratie directe.

I decided to participate in because it shapes new citizens who grow up participating in institutional life as a community, rather than in a top-down manner – a community where the notion of representation is linked to participation and commitment and not confused with direct democracy. When I think of, I think of its human value: friendships, meetings, networking, the possibility of getting involved, to make a personal commitment for oneself and for others that does not stop at that, but which gets concrete feedback from the institutions.

At EYE 2021 I was able to take part in a roundtable on human rights and could express my views at the seats of the European Parliament; thanks to the Representations of the EU Institutions in the Member States, I have been able to go to schools and, along with others, do a European civic education course for younger students.

Freedom is participation.

La liberté, c’est la participation.